Sunday 30 December 2007

OSM: Battle for Wesnoth VIII

IT WORKS!!! :)

Our campaign really works! Well, it´s not an extremely huge piece of coding-art, but at least it´s playable. Feels funny to play it :) I was quite sure it would never reach this point.. If there was more time it would be nice to develop it further.

I´m not sure if it´s ever coming to the real Wesnoth (now I have the files only on my own laptop, in Wesnoth-folder), but if it is, it´s found under name The Quest of the Dwarves! *proud*

THANK YOU Lauri & Olja!! :)

And of course Kaido :) :)

Battle for Wesnoth
Download Wesnoth

Thursday 13 December 2007

OSM: Free Culture

What is Free Culture?
“A free culture is one where all members are free to participate in its transmission and evolution, without artificial limits on who can participate or in what way. The free culture movement seeks to develop this culture by promoting four things:
  • creativity and innovation;
  • communication and free expression;
  • public access to knowledge;
  • and citizens’ civil liberties.”


'“Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig is a clear look at copyright law, how technology is affecting it both technically and in people’s perceptions, the current trend in legal responses to the technology, and how it affects the artists and authors in the world. Lessig is uniquely qualified to write such a book, because he is a professor of law, a computer geek, an author, and an activist in the field of copyright and creativity.”

Free Culture Tour
Multimedia performance about copyright, creativity and the internet
"Free Culture is a multimedia show by artist, entrepreneur and INSEAD MBA student Colin Mutchler that mixes music, images, and spoken word, drawing from his personal experience and the creative commons to demonstrate the tensions and opportunities of sharing and remixing media."

OSM: a FLOSS Success Story vs. Failure

Success of Moodle

"In academia land, one of the more popular forms of open-source is the system known as Moodle. London, UK-based The Open University is currently in the midst of implementing Moodle to the end result of “the largest use of Moodle in the world,” namely a complete student online environment. Moodle is currently employed in some aspects of Open’s distance-learning program and the “comprehensive online student learning environment” promises to be fully operational by February."

"Meanwhile, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Education has now in place a full-on “Moodle Service”, which acts as supplement to course material available to College of Education faculty and students and a resource to other university workgroups, workshop participants and communities."

The Open Source Fiasko

"Hugger-Mugger Yoga Products is a $5 million supplier of yoga-related products such as clothes, yoga mats, and so on. After struggling with a variety of individual software products that did not integrate well, the company decided to implement open source ERP package Compiere. This package was chosen on basis of low-cost and because it includes modules that Hugger-Mugger specifically required."

Enterprise software implementations are complex — jobs can change, processes across an organization can be affected, and great care and feeding is required to be successful. This situation offers a classic study in how an IT initiative can move forward under its own steam, without sufficient reference back to what users actually need. In addition, it can be tempting to think that open source means cheap and easy, which is not necessarily the case. As someone wise once said, “Don’t let this happen to you!”"

How to Make it Work?

1. Open source development is not business

Open source development succeeds or fails irrespective of the businesses that are directly associated with them. The constructive exploration of sustainability with respect to open source software development depends upon it.

2. Projects and open source development

An open source software development project can only ever be a singular instance of many possible developments of the code. It cannot be equated with the development of the code itself.

3. Projects or open source development?

The sustainability of an open source software development path is effectively beyond the capacity of analysis by case study or example.

4. Criterion of project success

Either the project retains the trust and good will of the open source community and thus remains the lead on the development path of the software or it does not. If no one is willing to invoke the option of the code-fork, then the project must be considered a success. An open source software development project which has no user or developer base will be successful by default. The worst that can be said about such a technically successful project is that it is uninteresting. By contrast a project with an extremely active development community will be at greater risk of failure using the above criterion. It will, correspondingly, also be of greater interest. Another potential limitation on this criterion of success is the very diversity of project types that may be found in open source software development.

5. All successful projects fail

A successful reference implementation project may advance the software development path even if some other project arises which carries the software beyond the reference implementation stage.

6. The success of failure

very successful open source software development project will eventually fail. Remember, it fails when some other project takes on the lead in the development path. Any project that holds the lead in an open source software development path is by definition successful.

7. Preparing for the success of failure

The test for any successful project is whether or not it stands at one point along an ongoing development path. If the project comes to an end and there is no continuance, no new project that will carry the code development further, then that software development path has truly ended. If it is the software development path itself that concerns us, then anything that assists that onward movement will be a benefit. For example, supplying sufficient comment within the code itself in order to make it easy to read by others increases the likelihood that someone else will take the code further. Structuring the code into comprehensible units is another way of honoring the code.

Source of the list

"The marker of success in an open source business is the same as that in any business: profit or loss. An open source software development project is not a business. Indeed, even when a single business lies behind the majority of the development work, I would argue that the software development project is still not itself a business. What counts as the marker of success for open source software development projects must therefore be something else."

"The criterion of project success is whether or not it retains the trust and good will of the open source community and thus remains the lead on the development path of the software. Since no project is likely to sustain the lead on development forever, any successful open source software development project must encounter its own failure. The successful preparation for failure and transition of the software development lead marks an even greater success for an open source software development project."

OSS Watch

Unlocking The Secrets of Open Source Success

The Secret of Successful Open Source Companies

The Myth of Open Source

The Success of Open Source

OSM: Legal Issues of FLOSS

I found a source which tells that SCO Group brought a lawsuit against IBM, the Group claimed that IBM employees had illegally transferred proprietary AT&T Unix code (which SCO Group owns) into IBM’s Linux projects.

Another legal issue which I found was that some researchers in Cambridge had been forbidden to publish some material:
"Some laws, such as UCITA (a law in Maryland and Virginia), specifically enforce these clauses forbidding free speech, and in many other locations the law is unclear -- making researchers bear substantial legal risk that these clauses might be enforced. These legal risks have a chilling effect on researchers, and thus makes it much harder for customers to receive complete unbiased information.

This is not merely a theoretical problem; these license clauses have already prevented some public critique, e.g., Cambridge researchers reported that they were forbidden to publish some of their benchmarked results of VMWare ESX Server and Connectix/Microsoft Virtual PC. Oracle has had such clauses for years. Hopefully these unwarranted restraints of free speech will be removed in the future. But in spite of these legal tactics to prevent disclosure of unbiased data, there is still some publicly available data, as this paper shows."
The .pdf

OSM: Battle for Wesnoth VII

In the last weeks we have made some progress :)

I made our main configuration file and scenario files. Olga made the maps to ASCII format. Lauri has made the transfers to Subversion and figures out the actual "how this will work" ;)

Our team has been talking about these things in here:

And the materials of our campaign is in here:

Feels so relieved.. Even though the task isn´t over, to make the campaign actually work seems to be a bit of a problem..


Thursday 29 November 2007

OSM: Battle for Wesnoth VI

Still having quite huge problems of understanding what we really are supposed to do.

In the last week or so I´ve created the main configuration file and three scenario-files. Scenarios are all in different maps and there is only one task in each. I think that´s the best we can come out with.. Hopefully even that.

The Quest of the Dwarfs
Orchs steal The Thing from the Dwarfs. The Dwarfs go after them. On the first map (Land of Dwarfs) the Dwarfs catch up some Orchs and there is a fight. On the next map (Forest Land) the Orchs attack. And on the last map (Land of Orchs) the Dwarfs and Orchs have a big battle. Dwarfs get their Thing back, if they win of course. The Thing is a special gem.

Monday 12 November 2007

OSM: Battle for Wesnoth V

Me and my team have been doing things considering Wesnoth for three weeks now and still we are a bit confused.. The information is not in the "normal people´s language" and is hard to find.

I´ve been doing the storyline and putting tasks to the map

Somehow these just don´t open up!

Well, we still have a bit time...

Saturday 20 October 2007´s Seniors and the Use of Power

In´s (EN: Horse stable) Senior-column you can see interesting writings, even in the mediapedagogy´s point of view. But who gets his/hers voice heard, what kind of writings get responses and to what writers appeal when they want to underline the truthfulness of their writings? I´ve got interested in uses of power in mass medium and decided to study how this power is adopted in Senior-column. This analysis is based on my own observations of the topics written to the column and the people who write to it.

Internet is a mass medium on my opinion. Or to be precise, Internet forms a mass and masses tend to communicate. It really does involve different forms of communication. In the Internet the traditional source-message-receiver model is seen. The source can be one person or a group-list. The message can be almost anything, an email, writing on a homepage, chat conversation etc. The receiver can again be just one person or millions of people, depending on where the message is, in an email, homepage or other. Mass communication research should regard Internet´s potential, or I´ll have to agree with Christine Ogan when she writes in her article that the "theories about communication will become less useful".

When speaking of the power of mass medium the most straight outlook is that simply some people have power in society and some don´t (Kunelius 2004, 212). Meaning how the public chooses from what is popular on the opinion of the financial power at that moment. In the Senior-column there is no direction which would serve subjects which are under writers observation, the subjects are born from the interest of the writers. From this you can though lead to that some subjects are more popular than others. So some subjects have power and some don´t.

Some subjects get very popular and there are multiple topics about them and some other subjects don´t create any conversation. That´s called the Spiral of Silence which belongs to the traditions of impact study (an example of one). (Kunelius 2004, 143). The Spiral of Silence is about how public strengthens some subjects and those subjects which don´t get public that much just disappear. The point of this theory is according to it´s creator Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann that people change their opinions and ways they act to respond to the socially accepted opinion and way of act. In the Senior-column you can see this through the fact that anyone can start a topic but if it doesn’t interest others it will drop and be forgotten. The faster the less there are people to comment the subject.

Also Agenda Setting Theory raised from the ruins of the MCR-tradition (Mass Communication Research) defines the column well since it is a very good place where to find the subjects which interest the people who are interested in horses. (Nieminen & Pantti 2004, 157). The subjects aren´t all about horses, there are lots of topics for example about the days politics and of course about the personal life´s mysteries of the writers. The community plays the role of the chairman of the column, it decides what people talk about. To get answers to the topic started, the writer has to have power.

So who has the power? Some of the power comes from the community, since the community has for example created some own words to the users. For example “lapikasta” (“lapikas” is a kind of a shoe, “lapikasta” would be like a verb to it) is said if somebody tells about violent or cheating mate. They urge him/her to get rid of such. Also “porvoo” is a very popular word. It is actually a city in Finland, but it´s also a modification of “provo”. Provo means a non-true or over exaggerated thing, which with you just want to tease and make others angry or to write to you lot´s of replies. From this “porvoo” word is made jokes by asking “again is this stuff happening in porvoo?”. The one who knows how to use for example these words is obviously an insider. And what an insider writes is not so easily questioned. If you need to explain these words to someone he/she is marked as an outsider and he/she might get a bit more negative and mistrusting comments at the beginning. There are so many people writing just to annoy others. But you really have to be active in the column to know who are the insiders and who are not.

In the column is also seen the term “julkiso” (in Finnish we have only one word for English words public and audience, “julkiso” is our audience). This term is created by citizen journalism and it means an active mass of people participating some event for example. (Nieminen & Pantti 2004, 147). Seniors write approximately 4500 messages every day. That´s why I think they are active, they say their opinions to multiple topics while they visit the column.

Power in practice is another view of the power in mass medium. It´s based on that power just isn´t something with somebody somewhere but it is also used (Kunelius 2004, 221). This theory includes ideological subject who against some of the writers rebel, meaning that the roles that are on offer are not the ones writers would like to take, they rather try different roles and ways to respond to topics (an example article: "Postmodernism and the Death of the Subject" ). There are certain basic roles which are taken easily, for example womens take the feminine role and men the male one. The topics invite to take a certain role and even submit to it. The easiest way to see this are these well made teasers, "provos". For example if someone calls names or something about a certain horse breed there are immediately comments against such ugly words. The writers take the role that the starter of the topic wanted to. That is until somebody gets the idea and writes “porvoo” and the topic is forgotten or written full of different modifications of “porvoo” and the starter is recommended to get a life.

This means that also discourse is strongly fulfilled in the column. Discourse says that there is always an assumption in a text of the way the reader will read it. Meaning the texts always offer us certain roles and they direct the action. (Kunelius 2004, 223.) Discourses are shown in the column also through the fact that who has the right to speak. According to the rank order the one has the right to speak who has the most amount of knowledge about the topic and who is in the highest rank at that moment. With discourses you can play with the power since it is a way to define what is true and normal. (Kunelius 2004, 225). This is easily seen in the column though it´s also rebelled against. There are always some people who want to say that there are also different options of doing things “the right way”. Still every time some of the points of view takes the highest place and the others a put down. The writer appeal to experience and sometimes to age when they want to enhance the truthfulness of their words.

In the topics it is also important how many there are speaking and the one who speaks with his/hers own name and shows his/hers email is the most reliable. Others are said to be “yelling just anonymously” and are not to be considered powerful. There are a lot of so called regular writers who write daily and use the same nick all the time. They are widely known in the community. Topics they start get more replies than others.

There are more of the writers who write anonymously than with a recognizable nick. Some days it even happens that if there are enough anonymous they can unite and get a regular writer questioned. But this means that the anonymous writers must write adult-like, with correct spelling and good argumentation and of course that the anonymous are to be recognized as different persons. Usually people have their own way of expressing themselves so it can be seen when somebody tries to write as a different person, the text gets fumble and not so fluent.

Through this way articulation is also important, meaning that something is said out loud but it is also connected to some other thing too. (Kunelius 2004, 232.) The phenomenon raised from the discourse is connected to another phenomenon which makes sure that the thing gets understood from the wanted point of view. This is used widely, for example when somebody recommends some saddle he/she says also who of the celebrity riders also use the same trademark.

The writers try to figure out the truthfulness of the topic starts by using some criterion. For example is the start text possible in time, place or even with common sense. Other writers make statements and questions. The topic starters can show their power through that their writing can´t be questioned. The less there is doubt the more there is credibility and power. Topic starts which are unreliable are asked to be argued and proven by pictures etc. In some way at least some of the writers demand for certain kind of rules and routines, which can be compared to for example to news criterion of journalists or to the quality criterion of journalism. (Nieminen & Pantti 2004, 106-107, 140-143.)

There is also a third point of view about the power in mass medium. It highlights that power is a relation where the ones who dominate and the ones who are dominated influence the form of the relation. Through this the roles should offer something important to the people. The power and ideology should reach the experience of the subjects which tough includes that a big part of the people who are dominated have the experiences of being dominated. (Kunelius 2004, 234-235). I do believe that writers in the Senior-column get something to themselves, attention, acceptance..

Through this point of view of power are also the meanings of the messages interesting. Do people really read the meanings from the texts that the writer has in coded? One challenge of writing to the Internet must be that everyone reads the texts based on their own experience and local cultural codes. On the other hand if the writer´s and the reader´s social experience is common, there might even be a transfer of influence. If the writer´s discourses differ from the reader´s experiences can the reader read the text from his/hers own point of view considering his/hers experience. (Kunelius 2004, 236-237). Through this builds also the connection to others who read the text in the same way. In a column this strengthens the community and considering the individual the feeling of belonging to a group.

On my opinion this point view of power binds well to Stuart Hall´s views of building the identity. The fact that how people interpret different texts and how many things affect to that interpretation. In the Internet's forums these problems in interpreting are easily seen. Of course there are situations when people misunderstand the texts on purpose but very often you can see how people lack the skill of reading what is said, they lack also patience, understanding, emphatic etc. Sometimes the topics are filled with awful fights and crashing of the points of view by others.

All of this shows that power is used widely in the´s Senior-column. There are always some who have more power, the power depends on the writing skills and argumentation. Regular writers are usually respected but of course there are some who are almost hated. And still they keep on writing because they have good skills in writing and argumentation and they do get others to respond. Every day the Seniors build the agenda of the day, choose the things which are interesting. The topics bind a complex net which include certain regular subjects and some parts are magnified and others silenced. Seniors take eagerly different roles but act in those sometimes differently. From these roles they definitely get something to themselves, who gets what and what kind of pleasure.


Kunelius, R. (2004), Viestinnän vallassa, Helsinki: WSOY.

Nieminen, H. & Pantti, M. (2004), Media markkinoilla, Helsinki: Loki-Kirjat.

Wiki - a Representative of an Online Community

Wikis are worth of their name. In Hawaian, verb “wikiwiki” means “hurry” or “quick”. The developer of WikiWikiWeb Ward Cunningham actually took the name of his invention from the language of Hawaian. He wanted to find a quick way to collective publish software models and in the year 1994 he started to plan the simplest possible, still working online database. Since then the use of WikiWikiWeb has increased vastly. In the year 2005 there where 13000 pages in use and they increased with 500 every month. Nowadays there are also other comparable services which all are called with the name wiki. (Leuf and Cunningham 2005, 14-15, 24.)

The operating principle in wiki is to offer a service which is as easy to use as possible considering maintaining and modifying information in the Internet. Establishing a wiki-community (an example) is often free and quickly, it´s easy to maintain, it´s informal and open by it´s operating (an example of wiki-service). The principle of the creators of wiki-services is to incite users to modify their pages freely and tailor functionality with HTML-code almost unlimited. (Leuf - Cunningham 2005, 14-17.) These features explain well the huge popularity of wikis. Today´s thing is absolutely quickness and easiness, there is always too little time and people don´t want to read manuals. When you can code a bit you can make your wiki-community original.

Everything what happens in wiki is characterized by growth and development (Leuf - Cunningham 2005, 322-323). From one page grows easily many and the more the community writes the easier it is to produce text. Wiki is a good tool to learning since with it you can try different ways of distributing information and you get feedback and support from the community. On the other hand the very fundamental openness of wiki and the lack of existing structure can be uncomfortable and even scary according to some people. The totality of the freedom can be pressing. In this also the support of the community is important so that everybody dares to say what they want and don´t get writer´s block.

The functionality of the wiki is based on the means which have taken form commonly in the use of Internet: adaptation of the individual, the politeness of communication and conforming of the common opinion (Leuf - Cunningham 2005, 323). It is relevant in communities that these things are under attention, otherwise there is easily created some differences in opinions, conflicts and misuses. People join to the communities to fulfill their needs: they create relationships, talk, get and distribute information, collect sympathy and support and advises to handling problems (Preece 2001, 34). These features fit well also to wikies since in them the community has some unite goal which is worked in wiki.

In the Internet there is also Wikipedia, which is a global dictionary and one of the most known applications of wiki. The collective and equal standard of activity of the Wikipedia is a foundation to a new model of the society which is based on true democracy, says Niklas Vainio who is a researcher of Hypermedia Laboratory in Tampere. He sees that the standard of activity can spread vastly to different areas of the society so that the new wikipedias of the future would at them best function as the meeting points of the cultural sense. The possibility to democracy in Wikipedia needs new, critical media literacy to be fulfilled. (Vainio 2006.)

Wikipedia is possible mainly because of the community which maintains it has it´s own ways of function and it´s own culture and tradition. Secondly it is easy to join the community, you don´t need to apply for the permission to use the Wikipedia and no registration or revealing your identity is demanded. Thirdly since Wikipedia is based on facts it is easy to collect the information fact by fact and the quality can be checked. This makes it a good tool to team works. (Vainio 2006.) The more comprehensive Wikipedia gets, the more competent possession it achieves.

In every wiki there is the potential of spreading to Wikipedia-like, to be modified by all the users of the Internet. The need of this is another question. Wikis in all the sizes are found and there is a lot of them, from all the topics between sky and earth. Wikis are rised like mushrooms in a rain. Still they are always important to their users, there is something personal in every of them to their creator.

Wiki-webcourse created by the writer of this blog.


Leuf, B. & Cunningham, W. (2005), The Wiki Way: Quick Collaboration on the Web, Boston: Addison-Wesley.

Preece, J. (2000), Online Communities: Designing Usability, Supporting Sociability, Chichester: Wiley.

Vainio, N. (2006.), "Muuttaako Wikipedia käsitystämme tiedon luonteesta?" [accessed 15 Oct 2007]

Extremely busy..

Whohow, I guessed this to happen, but still..

I´m doing three web courses to the University. One of them is vastly laborious and the other two "normal".

I´m also doing this Open Source Management -course, trying to learn Wesnoth.

Then there are these two Mauri´s courses, also done in the web.

And then there is the last two sections of my mediapedagogy (approbatur) studies..

Yep, I´m also working.

Just have to say, I wonder how I manage this all but I just do :)

Tuesday 9 October 2007

OSM: Battle for Wesnoth IV

We´ve been working with the campaign in TRAC of this course.

I´ve been thinking of the story etc. and now I´m getting to know the coding and so on needed to make the campaign..

Tuesday 2 October 2007

OSM: Battle for Wesnoth III

I´ve just played three hours..

I played the same campaign (Etelän Vartiosto) and the same level (siviili). This time I didn´t have to figure out the terms ;) Campaign is OK, when you know it.

It´s funny how you just click the text field even though it´s not said to be done. Maybe somehow you think there must be more information if I click this or something.

This time I tried different tactics. I collected different amounts of warriors and different sets. I Managed to get over the river, but got defeated. Then I didn´t have any money. Well, then I started thinking of the villages (oh, a house is a village ;) and got some money from there. So then I started to go back and forth between the village and the fortress..

And then I noticed that the enemies aren´t safe when they are in the villages..

Well, then I found a new problem. I selected same warriors which I just had moved or something and couldn´t get the selection off so I made double moves...

I managed to be a bit more careful with the moves, refreshed my warriors in the village and send new ones all the time. I also found a warrior called Aleran. Game started to flow and I won Urza Math :) But I did it by night, there was no way to fight just by day time.

From the winning I got 255 pieces of gold :) I won in 15 sifts, there was 17 still left.

Next assignment was to win back the city of West. I played this around four times or even more. First I lost because I used the same strategy and left Deoran to the starting fortress to get more warriors. Deoran was supposed to get to the West.. Somehow I thought that you should first empty the city or something. OK, it was said that the city must be won back in 10 sifts.

Then I lost a couple of times, maybe because of not so wise moves. And some of the enemies were weird, it wasn´t so easy to hurt them.

I managed to fool around also with the loading ;) I loaded a replay or something when I wanted to try again :D

Then I discovered that by clicking the right tap of the mouse you can take back the selection of a warrior.. It helped a lot! I managed to get Deoran to the city but he was so week that the next assignment got short.. There was these new characters, also with the enemy. Have to continue some other day!

This gave something to think about but mostly I felt that it takes looong time to learn some strategies..

We´ve been planning our own campaign here:

Friday 21 September 2007

OSM: Battle for Wesnoth II

Hmmm.. I seem to be not that good strategic..

Well at the beginning the word "kampanja" was confusing. I search for a word like "aloita" or something. When "kampanja" was the only word worth trying I tried it. Since the others were obviously something else. But I expected there to be instructions of something.

And when I realized that "kampanja" was a kind of style to play the game, to choose the situation, then the word "kampanja" was quite ok. Maybe on the first page should be a kind of text box telling that if you want to start an individual game choose your "kampanja" first.

From the campaigns I chose the "Etelän vartiosto" since it was a kind of introduction to Wesnoth. And I took the "siviili" -level since it was recommended to beginners. BTW the first longer text on the foreword was in English, the others in Finnish.

Are there any female characters? Not that I mind, but it would give some variety :)

The music is nice, it supports the story and creates the atmosphere, but isn´t too controlling.

At the beginning of the game I was confused. What should I do? Ok, there were this talk boxes which told where to go, but it isn´t so clear what you can do and how much on your turn. The idea of these kind of adventure/role games is excellent, that the enemy has it´s turn.

It´s good that there are these talk boxes and some automatic moves, cause otherwise playing would be more difficult. Quite many times I was in the situation of thinking "what now?". And just did something and ended my turn.

I didn´t get quite far from the river and "Jokilinnoitus". My gold was spend quite fast, I didn´t realize that I could keep my main character all the time in the fortress and make him have more people. It was not clear where to get more gold, but somehow it was collected in turns.

My first game was mostly WTF and defending. Next time I´ll try to be more aggressive. I thought I was it this time, but obviously not. I ended the game before loosing, it started to repeat the same pattern (get one man with the gold I managed to have - oh, another is dead - oh, the enemy is healing it´s men - yeppiii...)

Another strategy next time! Maybe today..

Friday 14 September 2007

OSM: Battle for Wesnoth

Haa, finally I had time :)
I downloaded Battle for Wesnoth and got a glimpse of it. Seems interesting!
As a e.g. Giana Sisters -addict, adventure games are always something worth getting familiar with.

(I had a Commodore 64 as a kid, and was VERY happy when the emulators came!)

Friday 7 September 2007


Free Software Foundation
* Free software is a matter of liberty not price.
* Established in 1985
* The FSF promotes the development and use of free software, particularly the GNU operating system, used widely in its GNU/Linux variant.
Free Software Foundation in Wikipedia

"Free software is software that can be used, studied, and modified without restriction, and which can be copied and redistributed in modified or unmodified form either without restriction, or with restrictions only to ensure that further recipients can also do these things."

Open Source Initiative
* California public benefit corporation, with 501(c)3 tax-exempt status, founded in 1998.
* Stewards of the Open Source Definition (OSD) and the community-recognized body for reviewing and approving licenses as OSD-conformant.
* Actively involved in Open Source community-building and education. OSI Board members frequently travel the world to attend Open Source conferences and events, meet with open source developers and users, and to discuss with executives from the public and private sectors about how Open Source technologies, licenses, and models of development can provide economic and strategic advantages.
Open Source Initiative in Wikipedia

"Open source software is computer software whose source code is available under a license (or arrangement such as the public domain) that permits users to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified form. It is often developed in a public, collaborative manner."

FS is more free of these two. It´s totally free to use, study, modify and distribute. Only restriction is that the possible modifications has to be also free to the next recipients. OS is free to use, study, modify and distribute only under license or for example public domain. The other difference is that OS is developed in more collaborative manner.

Thursday 6 September 2007

Open Source Management

This blog came back in use now cause I started to study in Tallinn University. This is going to be a kind of diary for Open Source Management -course.

Monday 28 May 2007


Kun sai ajatuksen juoksemaan, aukeni tehtävänantokin paremmin :)
Onneksi keksin aikaisessa vaiheessa käyttää IRC-Galleriaa alustana, sitä kautta loksahti paikoilleen mitä oikein pitikään tehdä. Ja tarkoitus oli tehdä palvelukokonaisuus, joka pyörii jollakin alustalla, mutta pyörää ei tarvitse keksiä uudestaan, vaan koostaa olemassa olevia asioita.

Alkupähkäilyn jälkeen innostuin todella tästä yhteisöstä ja ryhdyin jopa mainostamaan sitä ;) Hauskaa oivaltaa palveluiden rakentamiseen liittyviä asioita, mitä pitää ottaa huomioon (yhteisön nimi, kuvaus -> vaikuttaa suoraan keitä yhteisöön hakeutuu, puhumattakaan alustan valinnan vaikutuksesta esim. jäsenien ikäjakaumaan).

Tehtävä 3, Palvelukokonaisuus

Joka kevät on tammansa astuttaneilla suuri jännitys päällä kun tulokasta odotetaan, ja päässä pyörii ainakin ziljoona kysymystä. Tätä helpottamaan tarvitaan ainakin vertaistukea ja opastusta. Siksi listasin palvelukokonaisuudelle oleelliset piirteet seuraaviksi:
* Yhteisöllisyys -> kuka kukin on, vertaistuki
* Tietopankki / linkkilista -> jokainen voi tuoda kokemuksiaan ja näkemyksiään toisille sekä jakaa hyödyllisiä linkkejä kaikkien saataville
* Materiaalin jako -> mahdollisuus lisätä kuvia
* Videopalvelut -> vanha kunnon YouTube, siellä on liuta videoita esim. varsomisesta
Ja "vanhana kettuna", ei niinkään Web 2.0 -palveluna
* keskustelufoorumi -> yhteisön oman keskustelun lisäksi asetetaan selvästi tarjolle myös anonyymimpi vaihtoehto, josta voi käydä etsimässä lisää vertailukohteita

Mitä tein:
IRC-Galleriassa ei ollut suoraan yhteisöä kantaville tammoille (tai niiden omistajille siis), joten päätin perustaa sellaisen. Ajattelin, että siellä tammanomistajat voivat nähdä ketä kaikkia odottajia on ja keskustella sellaisten kanssa, jotka tietää (Galleriassa pakko olla tunnukset, jotta voi liittyä yhteisöön). Samalla päätin, että Galleria voisi toimia myös varsinaisena alustana, koska kun ihmiset pystyy tunnistamaan, ei kuka tahansa laita mitä tahansa kuvia, linkkejä jne. alustalle. Galleria toimii samalla myös kuvapankkina, sillä sinne on helppo laittaa mm. tammansa mahasta kuvia.

Gallerian yhteisön foorumi on kuitenkin vain Galleriassa liikkuville, joten siellä ei välttämättä saa niin monia mielipiteitä kuullakseen. Siksipä päätin, että pitäisi olla erikseen keskustelufoorumi. Ja sellainen on jo olemassa, hyvä vieläpä. Niinpä linkitin Gallerian yhteisön kuvaukseen Hevostalli.Netin Kasvatus-foorumin. Siellä on jatkuvasti topicceja kantavista tammoista ja siitä, kuinka mones vuorokausi on menossa ja mitä merkkejä milläkin tammalla on lähestyvästä varsomisesta. Uutta foorumia en halunnut alkaa rakentaa, liian työlästä, vaikeaa lanseerata ja olemassa on jo hyvä.

Loin IRC-Galleriaan "Lemmikit ja eläimet" -luokittelun alle yhteisön "Kantavat tammat". Kuvaukseen saa käyttää vain 300 merkkiä, joten luovuutta sai kaivella esiin.

Olin ajatellut laittavani tuohon kuvaukseen mm. linkkilistoja, mutta koska tila on rajallinen, päätin, että koostan linkkejä/linkkilistoja aina selkeiksi kokonaisuuksiksi. Aloitan "linkkivinkin" aina sanoilla Hyödyllisiä linkkejä X", X = juokseva numero. Julkaisualustana siis toimii yhteisön keskustelualue. Hyödyllisiin linkkeihin laitoin myös YouTuben varsomisvideoista listan (hakusana "foaling), jotta sekin kätevä Web 2.0:n piirre saatiin mukaan.

Tavallaan Galleria toimii siis palvelukokonaisuuteni alustana, mutta myös yhteisöllisyyden edustajana (samoin kyllä myös Hevostalli.Netin foorumi) ja tietynlaisena tietopankkina, tiedon ollessa varsinaisen tiedon (vertailukokemukset) lisäksi linkkilistoja.

Ja jotta yhteisö olisi yhteisö, laitoin oheisen "rekry-viestin" Hevostalli.Netin Kasvatus-osioon, josko yhteisöön tulisi lisää jäseniä:
"Gallerian käyttäjät: tein opiskeluuni (mediakasvatus) liittyen Galleriaan oman yhteisön, Kantavat tammat:
Ajatuksena on, että yhteisö toimisi paitsi yhteisöllisyyden luojana (mm. helppo tunnistaa kuka kukin on), myös alustana vertaistuelle (jota toki myös nämä meidän topiccimme upeasti ovat!). Ei ole tarkoitus edes yrittää siirtää keskusteluja täältä yhteisöön, vaan yhteisössä ennemminkin esittäydytään ja kertoillaan ikäänkuin spesifejä faktoja kunkin tamman kohdalta, mutta varsinainen keskustelu olisi kuitenkin täällä. Yhteisössä olisi keskitettynä havaintoja ja tietoa sekä mikä tärkeintä: hyviä linkkejä ja muistutuksia mitä-missä-milloin -tyyliin.
Tämä on tosiaan vain opiskeluuni liittyvä kokeilu, mutta jos yhteisö jää elämään niin mikäs sen mukavampaa :)"

31.5. mennessä yhteisöön on liittynyt viisi ihmistä minun lisäkseni :)

Thursday 10 May 2007


Opettavaista oli ensinnäkin se, mitä googlesta tuli kun hakusanaksi laittoi koulutusportaali. Paitsi että termi tuntuu olevan vahvasti sidottu Puolustusvoimiin, myös se, että termiä käytetään. Eihän se tosiaan synonyymi oppimisympäristölle ole, mutta liittyy silti verkossa opiskeluun, enkä minä muista törmänneeni termiin aiemmin.. Siinä onkin kyllä vahva armeijamainen kaiku ;) / opiskelu -chattaus oli avartava kokemus! Ainakin varmasti sille yläastelaiselle, jonka seurana olikin yhtäkkiä parikymmentä medka-opiskelijaa :D Mahtanut tosiaan olla aikamoinen kokemus.

Habbossa seikkailu myös oli mielenkiintoista ja hauskaa. Helppoa ja äärimmäisen viihdyttävää :D Oltiin hauskasti MedKalaisten kanssa mm. Puistossa yhtäaikaa :) Mielenkiintoista kokeilla!

Taas kerran oikein avartava juttu :)
Myös Secondlife pitää kokeilla joskus (

Tehtävä 2c, Habboseikkailu

1735 vierasta :D

Kauhea "meteli", koko ajan tekstilaatikoita.
Kuin muurahaispesä, kauhea meno päällä.

Heh, Hotellin aula tuli täyteen, lensin ilmeisesti pihalle kun en liikkunut. Takaisin pääsi, kun tuli tilaa.

Viestejä ja kaveripyyntöjä tulee heti.
Kaverijuttu on jokin Kultakalastin hommeli.. En taida uskaltaa hyväksyä ;)

Navigaattorin avulla voi näköjään valita tiloja.

Hassu kun kaikki vaan huutelee omiaan. Kiva yksityiskohta on se, että suu käy silloin kun jotain sanoo.

Ensin ajattelin, että onpa jännää/salamyhkäistä, kun ei toisten nimiä näe. Ja että mitenköhän täällä sitten tehdään tuttavuutta.. Nooo, hiiren kun vie hahmon alueelle, niin johan näkyy nimikin ;D

Jee, pääsin istumaankin! Ajattelin sen ensin olevan vain maksaville ;)

Sain juttelukaverin Suosikki Kultakahvilassa, typyLotta :) Heh, tuli heitettyä kunnon teini-kieltä, varmaan jutustelukaveri oli meitä medkalaisia! :D

Cafe Taivaanranta, Malja Bar, Cafe Taivas, Suosikki Kultakahvila, Puisto, Kino Kultakuvat.. Tuli aulan lisäksi tsekattua :)

Kun lopetin: 1865 vierasta..

Loistopaikka! Näin aikuisen kannalta lähinnä nuorten tarkkailuun. Koska nuoriahan tuolla suurin osa on. Tai voihan sitä sanoa, että ylipäätään hyvä paikka tarkkailla ihmisiä, heidän toimintaansa, puheitaan, valintojaan (ulkoasu jne.). Rekisteröityminen myös ehdottomasti hyvä asia, mitkä lie viidakonlait olisivatkaan voimassa, jos sitä ei olisi.

Huonoa jos pitää etsiä, niin ei tuoltakaan välttämättä kavereita saa. Minulle tulleista kaverikutsuista voi päätellä, että kavereita kalastellaan ahkerasti, mutta täytyy varmasti olla jotakin yhteistä, jotta kaveruutta voi syntyä. Yhteiseksi asiaksi ei välttämättä riitä Habbossa pörrääminen. Ja kuinka paljon tuolla on oikeasti pervoja liikkeellä? Sitä ei tosin pysty millään estää..

Kehitettävää en oikein keksi, nyt jo tuntuu minuuden suojaus hyvältä, tavallaan tuo itseään julki, mutta kuitenkaan ei tarvitse "levittäytyä kaikkien tarkkailtavaksi", vaan voi hahmon suojissa elää omaa elämäänsä. Tässä toki huonojakin puolia, kuten yllä mainitsin..

Mahdollisuuksia tällaisissa virtuaaliyhteisöissä on varmasti roppakaupalla, kunhan vain luovuutta riittää. Tällä hetkellä päällimmäisenä mielessäni on vain tuo tarkkailu ja kannattaisihan tätä käyttää enemmänkin "oppimateriaalina" ihan jo vaikka opettajakorkeassa. (ties vaikka käytettäisiinkin).

(käytin siis tähänkin noita b-tehtävän arviointityökaluja :)

Tehtävä 2b, verkkoyhteisöt / opiskelu, Chatin helmiä

Voi käyttää kun itselle sopii
Saa seuraa
Myös esim. liikuntarajoitteiset pääsevät
Voi itse tuottaa materiaalia
Löytyy kaikenlaisia
Nuoret käyttävät huvituksiin
Voi kysyä asioita, mitä ei muuten ehkä kehtaisi

Jos ei ole muuten kontakteja ihmisiin, niin onhan se vähän surullista
Aina ei pääse juttuihin mukaan, muut sulkee pois
Liikuntaa pitää olla tasapainoisesti netissä roikkumiselle
Asiattomuus etenkin anonyymeiltä voi satuttaa

Tarvitaan mediakasvatusta! Jotta ihmiset ylipäätään selviävät verkkoyhteisöissä ja etenkin chateissa, miten toimia, mitä uskoa ja mitä ei, nopeus on valttia, oma merkistömaailmansa (lyhenteet, hymiöt jne.), mitä uskaltaa itsestään kertoa, mitä uskaltaa julkaista, netissä kaikki leviää nopeasti jne.

Näitä chatteja voi hyvin käyttää tiedonhaun lisäksi ihan vain höpöttelyseuran hakemiseen, pahan mielen purkamiseen tai ilon aiheidensa huutamiseen maailmalle.
Miten helppoa onkaan saada esim. jokin kuva hetkessä kaikkien netissä liikkuvien käsille, ja kuinka helposti sitä kopioidaankaan ja levitetään lisää. Verkkoyhteisöjen ja chattien kautta kaikki leviää silmänräpäyksessä. Tässä siis hyvät ja huonot puolensa..

Tehtävä 2a, koulutusportaali ja oppimisympäristö

Koulutusportaali-termi tuntuu voimakkaasti hakeutuvan Puolustusvoimiin. Googleen kun pistää termin hakusanaksi, on lähes jokaisessa muutaman ensimmäisen sivun linkissä jokin viittaus Puolustusvoimiin. Koulutusportaalin sanotaan olevan sähköinen opetusmateriaalisivusto. Se on verkko-opiskelun tueksi tehty, Puolustusvoimien kohdalla koko kansan (yli 15v.) käytettäväksi. Siellä on sähköpostipalvelut, verkkokursseja sekä tietopankki.

Oppimisympäristö puolestaan on enemmänkin kokonaisvaltainen toimintaympäristö, jossa itse ympäristön lisäksi on läsnä opiskelijoita, opettaja/opettajia, erilaisia oppimisnäkemyksiä ja toimintamuotoja, oppimislähteitä sekä välineitä ja käytön tapoja. Täällä lisänä on selkeästi nähtävä toiminta, tehdään yhdessä (keskustellaan, on kalenteria ja tehtäviä jne.)

Saturday 28 April 2007


Mielenkiintoista. Blogi on tosiaan ollut mielessä piiiitkään, hassua että se tuli perustettua loppujen lopuksi näin. Ja toisaalta taas hyvä, että näin. Tuleepahan samantien kunnolla käyttöön. Blogeja on tullut luettua, mutta tänään ensimmäistä kertaa loin sellaisen itse ja tuotin sinne materiaalia.

Web 2.0 on erittäin huvittavasti tullut eteeni nyt n.1½ viikon sisällä kolmelta eri taholta. Ensin törmäsin siihen ylemmän ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon hakuprosessissa (pitää kirjoittaa essee aiheesta), sitten Tallinnan yliopiston maisteritutkinnon hakuprosessissa (taas kerran essee, nyt englanniksi) ja nyt tällä kurssilla :D Mahtaa siis olla tosiaankin pinnalla ja puheenaiheena tämä Web 2.0! No, nyt on tullut sitä opiskeltua ja tuotettua siitä omaa tekstiä suomeksi ja englanniksi. Ja haettua enemmänkin oikein konreettisia esimerkkejä. Ei sen puoleen, aiheeseen tutustuttuani ei siihen voi sanoa muuta kuin että näinhän se on. Tietty muutos on tapahtunut, sitä ei voi kiistää. Muutos on mielestäni parempaan, netissä alkavat palvelut olla jotenkin rikkaampia ja valikoidumpia. Lisäksi yhteisöllisyys luo yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta ja turvallisuutta, mikäpä sen parempaa.

Tehtävä 1c, IRC-Galleria ja YouTube

IRC-Galleriaa tulee käytettyä lähes päivittäin. Etenkin nyt, kun tammani on kantavana, on kiva lisäillä siitä kuvia aina eri vuorokausiluvun kohdalla ja eri kuvakulmista. Myös "herutuskuvia" eli utareista otettuja kuvia ;) Samalla on kiva lukea toisten kommentteja ja käydä itse kommentoimassa. Verkosto on ihan uskomaton, yhden tutun kun löytää, löytyy hänen kauttaan lisää jne. Näin siis vapaa-ajalla. Töihin liittyen Galleriasta ei niinkään ole minulle iloa. Opiskeluun ja koulutukseen liittyen Galleria itsessään on loistava esimerkki nettiyhteisöllisyydestä ja vaikkapa teinien käyttäytymisestä.

MUTTA ehkä enemmän hyötyä minulle on YouTubesta. Sieltä nimittäin löytää videopätkiä ihan mihin tahansa tarpeeseen tahansa. En ole rekisteröitynyt sinne, joten omia videoita en ole sinne ladannut. YouTubesta löytyy huima määrä lemppari-TV-sarjoja, musiikkivideoita.. Ja uskomaton liuta niitä käyttäjien omasta elämästä kertovia videoita. Huumoria piisaa. Enimmäkseen tätäkin tulee käytettyä viihtymiseen, mutta ei niinkään vapaa-ajalla vaan töissä ;) Itse tulee ahkerasti etsittyä hauskoja videoita ja lähetettyä helmiä kavereillekin, mutta etenkin työkavereiden kesken videoita lähetellään piristämään tylsää työpäivää. Opiskelu- ja koulutusmielessä YouTubesta löytyy kyllä esimerkkejä melkein mihin tahansa aiheeseen. Siellä on laajasti materiaalia myös uutisista ja muusta vakavammin otettavasta.

Tehtävä 1b, Web 2.0

GoogleMail. Sähköpostipalvelu, mahdollisuus pikaviestikeskusteluihin, pikanäppäintoimintoja, muokattuja osoitteita, mobiilikäyttö, ei suuria/vilkkuvia/asiaan liittymättömiä mainoksia (vain kohdennettuja/pieniä tekstimainoksia) on selkeä ero esim. Hotmailiin, rutkasti tilaa (2845Mt).. Vastaava:

iTunes. Latauspalvelu, musiikkia, elokuvia, tv-ohjelmia, Applen tuote, mainostetaan myös iPod-tuotteita. Voi myös ostaa tuotteita. Vastaava:

Amazon. Valtava verkkokauppa. Tuotenostolistat (mitä tuotteen ostanut myös osti), reittaukset (arviot).. Paljon erilaisia hakupalveluja. Vastaava:,

RSS. Wikipedia kertoo RSS:n olevan web-syötteitä, "joita käytetään usein päivitetyn digitaalisen sisällön julkaisemiseen". Tätä sisältöä ovat esimerkiksi blogit ja uutissyötteet. Suomessa esim. Vastaava: ?

Wiki. Kollektiivinen tietopalvelu, kuka tahansa rekisteröitynyt käyttäjä voi lisätä ja kommentoida. Jokaisesta asian kuvauksesta voi nähdä historian, eli kuka on muokannut ja mitä. Erilaisia palveluita, kuten satunnainen artikkeli. Rekisteröityneille erilaisia työkaluja, tiedoston lisämistä jne. Vastaava: (vain tietopalvelu, ei kollektiivista tiedon lisäämistä ja muokkausta).

Blogger. Blogipalvelu, kuka tahansa voi helposti luoda itselleen blogin. Helppo julkaista tekstejä. Vastaava:

YouTube. Videonlatauspalvelu, valtava määrä videoita, satoja tuhansia latauksia päivittäin, kuka tahansa voi julkaista omia videoitaan, rekisteröityneet voivat myös kommentoida toisten videoita. Kategoriat, hakupalvelu. Vastaava: GoogleVideo, YahooVideo. TV:n katsomispalvelu, voi katsoa mitä haluaa ja milloin haluaa. Vastaava: TrissaTV, MTV3:n netti-tv. Kuvapalvelu, jonne käyttäjät voivat ladata ottamiaan kuvia, myös kamerakännykältä suoraan. Lisäksi karttapalvelu, missä kukakin on kuvia ottanut ja palvelu, jossa voi tehdä kortteja jne. Vastaava: Ihmissuhdepalvelu, voi luoda oman profiilin ja etsiä vanhoja kavereita joilla on profiili palvelussa. Vastaava: Palvelu, jossa voi katsoa toisten suosituksia mitä löytää mistäkin ja toisaalta kertoa toisille, mistä löytää. Eli voi etsiä, tallentaa ja jakaa nettiosoitteita/linkkejä. Vastaava:, myös Kuvake.netillä on vastaava palvelu. Yhteisöpalvelu, jossa käyttäjät luovat profiilin ja esittelevät omia kuviaan. Rekisteröityneet käyttäjät voivat kommentoida toistensa kuvia. Sisäisiä yhteisöjä, joissa samanhenkistä väkeä. Yhteisöjä voi luoda kuka tahansa. Vastaava: MySpace. Palvelu, jossa kaikkea mahdollista. Linkkejä, treffipalvelu, keskustelufoorumi, mainoksia... Vastaava: ainakin jossain määrin RSS-sovellusta myyvä yritys, eli sovelluksen avulla voi tilata itselleen kiinnostavia uutisia, nettisivulinkkejä, blogeja.. Vastaava: ja

Tehtävä 1a, vihdoinkin

Kauan tämä bloggailu onkin pitänyt aloittaa.. Kiitos Mediakasvatuksen perusteiden opiskelun, tämä tuli väkisinkin eteen ;)